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  • Writer's pictureJohn Galloway

Digital Worlds Liminal Spaces and Life Abroad

Imagine my surprise to see that a year as past since the last time I posted here on Wix. I am not sure if that is ironic, ADHD, or meant to be. It is what is. I just knew I needed a parking space for a few key pieces I wrote and made. I'm not much of a promo-sexual and have no qualms about blowing up, been there done that. What I am about is making connections, learning, and telling stories. My love hate bittersweet codependence with the Digital World, is well documented. So, no secrets there. Yet here I am, being a word slut, letting it all hang for

all to see. Let me get set up here and tell you some things about living here for another year. My take is that with all the new Digital Nomad visa policies, we are about to get our flip flops wet with oat milk, and avocado on gluten free toast. Until then I will still very much on the liminal frontier of our world and the others just beyond. The Parallax Drift is in full effect and the captain has turned on the seat belt sign as we are heading for a bumpy ride. Carry on!

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